Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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Tennessee woman arrested for second drunk driving offense

The mistake of driving under the influence is one that an unfortunate number of Tennessee residents make. Some become part of such a situation one time and learn from their choices, while others may face multiple drunk driving charges before understanding the seriousness of their decision to drink and drive. More severe punishment also comes with repeat offences, and those who make a mistake more than once may want to consider exploring their legal options.

A 31-year-old woman may be considering the best path to take after she was taken into custody on suspicion on DUI. This arrest reportedly makes for the second time she is facing charges concerning driving while intoxicated. Authorities allegedly became aware of her state after she was involved in a car accident, though details on the crash were not given in the report.

It was noted that when an officer arrived on the scene, he suspected the driver to be under the influence. He allegedly asked the driver to perform sobriety tests, which she reportedly failed to complete. A blood-alcohol test was purportedly done after she was taken into custody, but the results of the test were not disclosed.

At this time, a hearing regarding her drunk driving case is set for December. In the time before her court appearance, she may wish to explore her options for presenting a defense, if that is the route she wishes to take. The accused could find it beneficial to gather any relevant evidence that could prove helpful toward her case. She may also want to explore the option of discussing her situation with a knowledgeable party or of gaining information on Tennessee DUI laws and case proceedings relating to her situation.

Source:, Woman facing 2nd DUI arrest after crash, Marie Kemph, Sept. 25, 2013

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Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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