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Tennessee man may find criminal defense info useful to his case

Being arrested can be a confusing and distressing time for anyone. Many actions may be taken in a short amount of time, and it is easy for a person to become overwhelmed. When an individual faces charges, gaining information relating to the situation and legal options for creating a criminal defense may allow him or her to obtain a better sense of direction.

One Tennessee man will certainly want to explore his options after recently being taken into custody. Reports stated that the 20-year-old man had been driving a vehicle when he was apparently involved in an accident. However, he purportedly continued driving until he crashed into a house. After the incident, the man allegedly exited the vehicle and went into the home for a drink of water.

Authorities apparently arrived at the scene, and an officer stated that the man smelled of an intoxicant and that his speech was slurred. The man also purportedly did not satisfactorily perform field sobriety tests. As a result, he was taken into custody and is currently facing charges for DUI, underage drinking, reckless endangerment and burglary.

The charges that have been brought against this Tennessee man could have substantial repercussions if he is convicted. Therefore, he will undoubtedly want to take advantage of criminal defense options available to him that he feels suit his circumstances. Individuals facing similar predicaments may wish to enlist the assistance of experienced legal counsel in order to better understand the legal proceedings ahead and how to potentially address their issues.

Source:, “Driver charged after SUV hits house in Weakley County“, Mallory Cooke, July 20, 2017

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Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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