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Tennessee man charged with drunk driving for third time

Alcohol has been part of the United States for many years, and continues to be prominent in current society. In moderation, the majority of the public find it acceptable, but when used too much it can be followed by very dangerous situations and actions. Even if the person thinks they are fine, the law may disagree. When this happens the person can get into major trouble, including spending time in jail. A Tennessee man was charged with drunk driving for the third time recently following a car accident.

The 49-year-old man was arrested after an accident occurred on July 20 at 10 p.m. No one was injured in the accident, but the police stated that the man’s eyes were bloodshot and that he had a smell of alcohol. The man attempted a field sobriety test and failed, and was then charged with drunk driving, driving with a revoked license and violating his probation.

After police ran a background check on him, they saw that he had been charged with driving on a revoked license six times earlier, and that this was his third DUI offense. He was then taken to Rutherford County Adult Detention Center. He was thereafter held on a bond of $4,250.

When this case goes to court, the drunk driving charges will probably take center stage. If he is convicted of drunk driving, he may have his license permanently revoked, as well as receive jail time and possibly fines. Luckily, unless Tennessee prosecutors are able to prove he is guilty, this man will not be convicted and will hopefully be able to get on with his life.

Source: Source: The Murfreesboro Post, “Man accused of 3rd DUI following crash,” Marie Kemph, July 24, 2013

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Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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