Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

Attorneys Who Will Fight For You

With years of trial experience, you can rest easy with The Lanzon Firm on your side.

Parks Dance


Parks Dance was born in Memphis, Tennessee where he resided with his mother, father, and siblings.  Parks graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.  Throughout undergrad, he interned at The Lanzon Firm and quickly realized that he wanted to pursue a career in criminal law.  He attended law school at Loyola University in New Orleans, during which time he worked for the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office, participated in the Stuart H. Smith Law Clinic and Center for Social Justice, and completed an externship with Knox County Senior Criminal Court Judge Steven W. Sword.  He graduated in 2023 and upon passing the bar, immediately began his career as a criminal defense attorney at The Lanzon Firm.

Parks is a loving son, brother, and friend to many.  He can often be found wrestling with his beloved lab, Tee, fishing with his grandfather, Bill Dance, hiking the Smoky Mountains and cheering on the Vols.  He is a devout Catholic and attends Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in downtown Knoxville.

Parks has a love for helping others and hopes to spend his career doing so.  He can find the best in people and help them through the toughest and most challenging times in their lives with his empathy and ferocity in fighting for justice.

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Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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