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Man, woman facing multiple drug charges after Tennessee search

Though many people may be quick to judge others who have been accused of criminal activity, the only judgment that truly matters relates to the rulings made during court proceedings. Individuals who have had drug charges or other allegations brought against them must be treated fairly in court and have the ability to defend against the charges. Some parties may not feel confident in their knowledge of their rights, but information and professional assistance could help.

Two individuals in Tennessee will likely want to become better informed on their legal rights and options after recently being taken into custody. Reports indicated that police searched the residence of the man and woman after they obtained a warrant to search the premises for drugs. It was unclear what gave cause for this warrant to be granted. Nonetheless, authorities allegedly found prescription pain killers, marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

The woman purportedly told police that she and the man allowed minors to use illegal substances in the home. As a result, both individuals were charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, maintaining a dwelling for drug use and contributing to the delinquency of a child. It was noted that the man was also facing other drug-related allegations, though they were not specified.

When it comes time to defend against drug charges, knowledge can certainly be power. By understanding their defense options, the charges brought against them and other relevant information, the man and woman in this Tennessee case may have a better chance of choosing defense paths that they each feel comfortable utilizing. Each person may also choose different methods of defending against his or her particular allegations.

Source:, “Woman named Pepsi Kolar, man arrested in drug bust“, Travis Dorman, Feb. 15, 2018

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Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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