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Former law enforcement officer charged with drunk driving

A former Tennessee law enforcement officer has recently been arrested and charged with DUI. The man was arrested in Putnam County after he wrecked the car that he was driving. After his arrest, he was charged with violation of implied consent and drunk driving. Several months prior to his arrest, he resigned from his job with the Highway Patrol for problems related to alcohol consumption.

According to the police, they came upon the scene of the crash where the defendant allegedly drove his vehicle into the ditch. They also reported that the man displayed signs that indicated possible intoxication such as slurred speech and disorientation. Five sobriety tests were administered, all of which the driver failed.

Despite being informed of the implied consent law, he reportedly refused to submit to a chemical test. After his refusal to comply with the request for a chemical test, he was arrested and officially charged with DUI. Despite his history as a former law enforcement officer, he would be wise to take steps to protect his rights and build a proper defense.

After a drunk driving arrest, a person’s future and freedom are on the line. In some cases, the right to drive and even child custody issues or career opportunities could be affected. It is vital to seek legal assistance as soon as possible in order to ascertain the optimal approach to a defense, which will be determined by the individual details of a person’s case. A case evaluation will identify the specific options available to a Tennessee driver.

Source:, “Former state trooper arrested for DUI, implied consent“, Tracey Hackett, Feb. 17, 2016

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Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer | DUI Law Firm | TN

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