Should I Plead Guilty To A Misdemeanor Charge?
Some people plead guilty to misdemeanor charges because they are embarrassed and want to put the incident behind them. However, pleading guilty to any criminal charge can have consequences you never anticipated. While misdemeanors are less serious than felonies and may result in little or no jail time, pleading guilty will still result in a
Defend yourself against vehicular homicide charges
If you have been charged with a serious crime, you know that it is important to protect yourself by seeking the services of a knowledgeable defense attorney. When facing charges of vehicular homicide, it is important to educate yourself on possible defense strategies and to confront these charges appropriately. Due to the serious nature of
Exigent Circumstances Argument Rejected in Blood Draw Case
Exigent circumstances is one of the exceptions to the requirement that a search be authorized by a warrant to be considered reasonable. But exigent circumstances arguments to draw blood without a warrant when a person is suspected of driving under the influence have been often rejected since the U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Missouri v. McNeely
Local government takes more steps to fight drunk driving
Shelby County just got a substantial amount of money to fight drunk driving. Tennessee residents who live in the area should be aware of these new measures, as well as their rights if arrested for DUI. Government representatives have said that much of the money will go toward paying for overtime for law enforcement. With this new
Tennessee driver faces drunk driving charges for the second time
A Tennessee man was recently arrested for alleged drunk driving after causing an accident. Upon arriving at the scene of the accident, police arrested the man for drunk driving because of certain indicators, as well as the statements of the other person involved in the accident. The young driver stated that when checking on the defendant, he supposedly
Closing Argument Not a ‘Golden Rule’ Violation
Closing argument in a criminal trial is an opportunity for each side to summarize evidence and a theory of the case. Closing argument is an important part of the trial and the last opportunity each side has to directly address the jury about the evidence and theories. Though Tennessee courts do not want to unduly
Woman charged with drunk driving, endangering unrestrained child
In Tennessee, drunk driving penalties escalate as the number of prior offenses increases. While a person who is charged with a first drunk driving offense has a reasonable chance of escaping jail time, this becomes virtually impossible for a conviction of a second, third or fourth offense. Furthermore, although the crime is a misdemeanor, it becomes a
Reckless Driving: The Traffic Ticket That Is More Than A Ticket.
Some traffic tickets are more serious than others. One example is reckless driving, which is a Class B misdemeanor in Tennessee. A traffic offense such as speeding carries consequences such as points on your driving record, which could ultimately lead to higher insurance rates and suspension of your driver’s license. However, speeding is not a
Warrantless Search Ruled Unlawful
A warrantless search is presumed unreasonable. It may be reasonable and lawful though if one or more recognized exceptions apply. The prosecution has the burden of proving a recognized exception if the warrantless search is contested. One important exception is consent. People on probation often, as a condition of being on probation, sign a form consenting
University of Tennessee freshman faces underage drinking charges
A football player who is a freshman at the University of Tennessee was recently arrested by Knoxville authorities. A police report indicates that the 18-year-old student was found on Interstate 40 early on a recent Sunday. He was reportedly running around the Interstate, and police officers said they had reason to believe he was guilty of