Author: The Lanzon Firm
White collar crimes: Tennessee doctor accused of drug fraud
Facing the repercussions that could come along with a criminal conviction can be tough. Luckily, everyone accused of white collar crimes or any other alleged criminal activity has the right to defend against allegations in hopes of avoiding negative consequences. The strategies used in particular cases could impact the overall outcomes that individuals may face. One man
Can I be busted for driving while high on marijuana?
As more states across the country make legislation to legalize the use of recreational and medical marijuana, you may find yourself wondering if it is safe for you to drive while high. It is never safe for you to operate a vehicle impaired. Marijuana can dull your senses and make it hard for you to
Drunk driving charge results in Tennessee detective’s resignation
Marks on a person’s criminal record could have impacts on various areas of his or her life. In particular, accusations of drunk driving can impact employment, driving ability and numerous other facets of individuals’ lives, and these negative repercussions could follow people for some time. Though each person has the right to defend against criminal charges for
Drug charges brought against man in connection with overdoses
In hopes of effectively handling criminal charges, individuals who have been accused of a crime may wish to remain as calm as possible. Though this action may seem difficult as accusations of drug charges can have negative consequences on a person’s life, staying level-headed may help parties determine their best courses of action. Additionally, remembering that they
Former Tennessee State student in need of criminal defense
Everyone experiences lapses in judgment from time to time. In many cases, the results from making a bad decision do not have any dire consequences. On the other hand, however, some individuals could end up needing a criminal defense if their hasty choice resulted in their being charged with a serious crime. One man in Tennessee recently
Drug trafficking defense options for you to consider
If you use an illegal drug in Knoxville, there is the possibility that law enforcement will apprehend you and charge you with a drug trafficking offense. This charge is usually in addition to a possession offense. The penalties for charges of this nature are very harsh. They can make it harder for you to achieve
Man facing drunk driving, drug possession charges in Tennessee
Many people approach difficult situations differently. Some individuals may choose to jump straight in and try to use the first approach they come across to deal with the issue, and other parties may prefer to find out as much information as possible about their options and go from there. When it comes to dealing with drunk
Criminal defense info may help former NFL player Derrick Mason
Individuals may be wise to remember that there are two sides to every story. For this reason, anyone accused of a crime has the opportunity to defend him or herself against allegations. Often, a meaningful criminal defense can play an important role in legal proceedings, and parties who have had accusations brought against them undoubtedly want to ensure
What to do if there is a warrant out for my arrest?
If you suspect there is a warrant out for your arrest in Knoxville, it is best for you to make the situation an immediate priority. Ignoring it could lead to law enforcement coming to apprehend you while you are on the job, at your kids’ school or in front of people you do not want
Tennessee man facing multiple drug charges after search of home
Police officers may have many reasons for suspecting someone of suspicious activity. When individuals do fall under suspicion, they could become the subject of investigations and potentially have charges brought against them. This type of situation happens frequently when law enforcement suspect drug-related activity, and parties may need information on how to handle drug charges. One