Author: The Lanzon Firm
Collision leads to drunk driving charge for man in Tennessee
Anybody can have a bad day. For some, their days may become worse than others if they find themselves facing criminal charges. This type of scenario could affect someone that police suspect of drunk driving as these charges could have detrimental outcomes, especially if the situation does not go in favor of the accused. Of
Serious criminal charges result from alleged drug deal gone bad
Getting caught up in a negative situation can happen to anyone. Some individuals may find themselves involved in criminal-related activity and question how they ended up there. Still, if parties are suspected of having committed a crime, they will likely be taken into custody and have criminal charges brought against them. It was recently reported
What happens to someone accused of drug possession?
The state of Tennessee has stiff laws concerning the illegal possession of drugs, which could be anything from marijuana or heroin to the synthetic drugs we hear about so frequently in newscasts. People addicted to drugs will often do almost anything to get them. To do so, they may resort to criminal activity. In recent years,
Tennessee doctor facing allegations of white collar crimes
Federal charges stem from suspected serious crimes and can lead to severe consequences if a person is convicted of such charges. Commonly, allegations of white collar crimes — often involving fraudulent activity — lead to federal charges. If a person is accused of some type of fraud, he or she will likely benefit from preparing
What penalties do Tennessee’s repeat DUI offenders face?
As someone facing a DUI charge in Tennessee, you may have valid concerns about the magnitude of the legal consequences you may face. While even first-time Tennessee DUI offenders face harsh penalties that could include jail time and steep fines, the penalties are even stricter with each subsequent DUI conviction. So, what types of penalties and repercussions could you face
Criminal defense: Man facing charges for public intoxication
Having any type of criminal charge brought against someone can have a substantial impact on a person’s life. The main goal for most individuals in this type of predicament is to reach an outcome with minimal negative repercussions. While trying to reach this point, focusing on creating a meaningful criminal defense is often helpful. One
Tennessee bus driver arrested, fired for alleged drunk driving
When a person has criminal charges brought against him or her, the allegation can affect many areas of life. Individuals will obviously face legal issues, but they may also face troubles in their personal lives. Additionally, a charge for drunk driving could result in job loss for parties in certain professions, even before a conviction
2 taken into custody in Tennessee for white collar crimes
Most people have heard of fraudulent schemes or possibly even fallen victim to such schemes themselves. On the other hand, some parties may be accused of participating in white collar crimes, like fraud, for their own financial gain. Of course, accusations of such criminal activity are serious, and individuals facing federal charges could be at
3 people facing drug charges in Tennessee
Though facing criminal charges is a serious situation, people accused of crimes do not have to think that these charges will end their lives. Certainly, drug charges can have lasting impacts, but individuals also have the opportunity to defend against the allegations. In some cases, the defense presentations could have beneficial effects on their cases.
Securing an expungement in Tennessee
A criminal record can have a very strong impact on a person’s life, even after the individual pays the debt to society. Thankfully, expungement is an option that some may pursue to aid them in moving along with their lives. In order to successfully receive an expungement, a person must do a few things. Here are certain