Month: October 2019
Serious charges likely has man considering his criminal defense
It can be disheartening for individuals to feel as if they are in a hopeless situation. However, many ordeals that seem hopeless are not necessarily so, and individuals may just need information on how to address a predicament to the best of their abilities. For instance, if a person is in trouble with law enforcement,
Drunk driving charge brought against off-duty officer
Law enforcement officers are not immune from facing criminal charges. If it is suspected that an officer broke the law by consuming alcohol and getting behind the wheel of a vehicle, drunk driving charges could come against that person. As a result, the accused party will likely need to focus on defense. An off-duty officer in
Things to know about conspiracy charges
Facing criminal charges can be a lifechanging event. Therefore, it is important for those facing criminal charges to fully understand what they are up against. Some may view conspiracy charges as less serious than other crimes; however, this outlook is incorrect. A conspiracy charge is a serious criminal offense, and there are a few key things to
2 arrested on drug charges after Tennessee traffic stop
Most people want to avoid any major upset in their lives. Unfortunately, avoiding many upsetting scenarios is not possible. In some cases, individuals may find themselves facing difficulties because they are pulled over by police and a traffic stop results in drug charges. This type of situation recently affected two people in Tennessee. According to reports,
Things to know about prescription drug charges
The abuse of prescription drugs has risen over the last few years. For this reason, lawmakers and law enforcement are cracking down on offenders. For those facing prescription drug charges, understanding the procedure can assist in creating the best possible defense. There are a few things to consider. Controlled substance classification The medical intent of prescription
Murder, attempted murder charges brought against Tennessee man
Individuals who are accused of violent crimes can face difficult times ahead. Often, if a person is charged with murder, he or she can expect a long legal process and will likely have to fight to maintain his or her innocence. Though it can seem overwhelming at times, presenting a meaningful criminal defense can be