Month: October 2018
Man undoubtedly wants reliable criminal defense info after arrest
Homicide is often considered one of the most severe crimes. Of course, it is important to remember that there are two sides to every story, and someone facing accusations of homicide may want to work to present his or her side in a compelling manner. Fortunately, criminal defense presentations can give interested individuals the opportunity to carry
3 men arrested on drug charges, each case will differ
Because most people do not have a thorough working knowledge of the criminal justice system, it is important that they attempt to understand their rights and legal options when facing criminal charges. Without this information, parties could end up taken advantage of or have their rights violated without even realizing it. Additionally, this information could help
Drunk driving charge results from hit-and-run accident
When dealing with criminal charges, each person may have different options. The details of the case can play an immense role in how the situation will proceed, and it is important for accused parties to review the various aspects of their predicaments. In cases of drunk driving, individuals may find it useful to remember that
Prepare for more DUIs during the holidays
The holidays are coming, and that means your college-enrolled child is coming, too. It is an exciting time to reunite as a family and celebrate the season. However, your time together can easily take a turn for the worse due to a DUI. As your family makes plans for your college student’s trip home, be
Multiple drug charges brought against man, woman in Tennessee
People’s lives can change in an instant due to many circumstances. For some, those changes could come about due to facing accusations of criminal activity. Though a meaningful criminal defense could prove immensely beneficial, individuals facing drug charges may still feel as if their lives have been greatly impacted. Two individuals in Tennessee will certainly
Police called over drunk driving concerns
No one is perfect, and everyone makes poor choices from time to time. In some cases, a person could end up in a serious legal situation if their decision involves drunk driving. Still, even if criminal charges are brought against a person for such action, options still exist for working toward the best possible outcome